True it's not porn, but it's still disturbing. You guys who are scolding us are getting entertainment out of someone undressing kids whether they're real or not. Worse yet, these kids are made to look like they are being molested.
"It's cute! Get your mind out of the gutter!" Bull. It hasn't reached porn level but it certainly is suggestive. Coppertone logo is something completely different. Don't be dumb.
Definitely wouldn't call these "cute." I agree with everyone who finds these borderline creepy and disturbing. What is cute about pulling little kids clothes off while they are crying? Ganon, you are not a idiot. And anybody who thinks these are entertaining in some way, i suggest you get off your computer right now and go outside for a little bit. (and please, for everyone's sake, don't go near little kids.)
I didn't think about porn at all until I read these comments. Maybe you folks who are calling the page out have just got a little pedo lurking in the basement of your brain.
I don't know might be even more weird that you didn't see anything a little off about this. You know, I doubt a pedophile thinks to himself, "i'm committing pedophilia" as he does it. But that doesn't make the person who finds out about it a Pedo just for recognizing it for what it is.
Have any of you ever actually had to get a child, for example, ready for bed or school when they didn't want to? Or had to make a child change because they insist of wearing their favourite pants they have grown out of or they've decided yesterday's underwear was O.K.? Let me tell you, screaming, crying and kicking often ensues.
If you are seeing "porn", you are the ones I have to wonder about.
ZOMKIFLSHMIP!!!!! get over yourselves, all you who are saying it's porn!! they are manga cutouts. they are meant as hhumerous, they ARE humerous. all those who say it's like porn are just oversensitive and overthinking the whole thing. its innocent fun with a little cheeky touch nothing more and since when did holding a paper cutout get classed as porn?
Trust me people. I've been around the internet and hentai block a few times, and there is definitely a sexual suggestiveness to some of these. The boy with the shirt half down down lapping on an ice cream definitely is. I don't think it's a big deal or anythin', considering they're just drawings. Just saying that people that are getting that vibe from this stuff definitely aren't crazy.
creepy....started kinda funny then, got to the point where the "character" is being undressed, without consent, whether real or not it is definitely disturbing on more than one level. Unrequited sexual actions being forced upon persons who are obviously under the age of consent. pretty icky indeed.
jajajajajajajajaj they are so cute , and great done , and for those saying its porn , just leave the page and see other webs, becausethis and other kinds of manga art always will make u think that its porn, and really its one style in the same style ^^ , i like them anyway
The first couple were cute... But I agree with the people who are saying they're suggestive and porn-like. The last three were disturbing and sick.
One comment said basically "He could be undressing his kids for bed or something." ...? I doubt that this man is visualizing himself as a kindly father who has been forced to strip his kids down so that he could put them in a tub or pajamas. If I could read Japanese, I'm sure that my level of having been disturbed would shoot through the roof.
hey i wanna say somthing. i think: the first image, the one of the boy that is being pulled of the face. it`s not porn at all. the second one it`s very similar to the firs one. whith this two, i agree what michael says " Have any of you ever actually had to get a child, for example, ready for bed or school when they didn't want to? Or had to make a child change because they insist of wearing their favourite pants they have grown out of or they've decided yesterday's underwear was O.K.? Let me tell you, screaming, crying and kicking often ensues." it`s not child porn. the third one, it`s child porn! come on! why it have the shirt like that? ok, maybe someone can say it`s summer, hot wether or somthing, but it`s very sujestive. the forth one, it`s fun, i don`t thing it`s child porn. the five, six and seven seem to be child porn, but i`m not sure because i don`t know what the paper figures are saying. the combination of the third image with the rest of the images it`s kinf of confusing and, yeah, it looks like child porn i think that if you take off the third image it will not look`s like child porn. sorry about my english i talk and write spanish.
i see both sides but wen i first saw this..i didnt think it was porn...maybe a little sense of humor was put into that area on a few of the pics..but its not enuff to say OH MY GOODNESS CHILD PORN..WHAT DID HE DO??? OMG WHY?!!
This is Japanese inspired, from a culture who loves playing at being kids in their art in a usually harmless way. Just like all of us. To my mind, this is about using the manga style to recapture childish fooling around in a creative way and with a cheeky touch (as kids can be - or should be anyway!) - even that last one. It's a symptom of western culture to see this as something dark and dirty and yell porn and pedo - and it only reveals how little we generally know about either the manga style or child porn. That last image COULD maybe be interpreted in a darker way if you saw it by itself, but it becomes instantly explained by the rest and thus looses most of its dubious quality. We really have had our minds warped in the US to see this post as a whole as anything other than just silly. The irony is that so many of our own fashions are also playing at kids and recapturing that childish foolery. And yet i suppose we are just used to that, while the manga style is still something a bit alien to many.
I swear Americans are incapable of looking at anything without analyzing for any possible elicit sexual content. It's the sick minds that scream "CHILD POOORRRNN" at everything that have me disturbed.
When a person who is used to manga watches them (I am not one of them), he simply sees fun and neglects the "porn" or "abuse" element and looks at a situation that does not have a past or future.
But what are we supposed to when we look at a picture? Associate it with reality, right? Most people who are called "idiots" or "overly sensitive" here, does that, and find these "creative" pics to be unusual.
lately, i've been really getting the vibe that there are some very sick people in the japanese art industry and anime/manga. seriously, its utterly disgusting not to mention they had video games where the whole point was to simulate a rape too and what is it with all the anime girls sounding like they're 8 years old and wearing schoolgirl outfits and skirts ALL the time or their slutty as clothes
Everything depends on your perspective, including how you view these creative works.
You can create circumstances that would make all of these cute and innocent or sick and twisted.
The last one with the boy getting his pants pulled on could be cute and innocent if it was captioned with a previously mentioned quote of "You're taking a bath whether you want it or not young man!"
I'm sure I don't need to come up with a scenario where it'd be sick and twisted, seeing as how many of you had already decided it to be disturbing.
While the artist's OTHER works may be objectionable, there's nothing about these in and of themselves that would suggest any sexual connotation unless you choose to associate it with such.
You're free to dislike the cultural differences, but slander just makes you a bigot.
All of you with the "It's Child Porn!" mentality may want to do a little bit of a reality check, or see a shrink.
funny that the idea these are sick child porn didn't enter my mind until I read the comments.
Does looking at these make us all perverts or something? I think the people that are suggesting these are 'sick' really need to take a look at how _they_ are viewing them, I find that more disturbing.
Personally, i think they are very cute. and as for the ones that every one keeps seeming to say are porn: 1. Paper! 2. it seems more like School-kid antics. (you ever heard of kids getting their pants pulled off by classmates? it happens) 3. It's Manga... clothes have been known to mel off in anime/mangas. get over it!
and the second picture on tthe page looks like Hermione from Harry Potter lmao. i love it!!
hm, i don't think i even thought og child porn when i looked at it, until i read the comments. maybe i'm just sane and don't see what i want to. and the kid being fed ice-cream? my mum usd to feed me ice cream all the time when i was little, it's just a little parental.
i laughed at them,es pecially the cute witch looking one, and the girl with the flying skirt.
if you don't likke it, why did you look at it in the first place (cover your eyes! oh no! it's child porn!)
Wow my Grandmother must be a paedophile. She fed me icecream when I was wearing my dad's too big teeshirt at the beach, Pinched my cheeks and said "AWWWW I could just eat you up". Wrestled with me to take my pants off because they were muddy and because I needed a bath. Oh I remember she pulled my pants open to check to see if i was wearing underpants before we wne out.... and worse than that.....she even helped my to climb on the playgym....
I'm going to call the cops to come and get her right now. Bloody paedophiles are everywhere.... under my bed, in your head....
Oh and to the person who said look at the google ads.... if your are perverted it is a reflection of your preferences... mine was ads for how to create my own green energy.
To be quite honest the last couple, the ones seen as 'child porn' to some of you is obviously chibi, the character does not look at all childish to me, the 3rd i agree is a teensy bit suggestive, and the one with the girl and skirt? Have any of you guys watched any kind of anime with any sorts of chibi (Its so common, as a comedic effect more than anything, nothing is exposed)? Jeez.
I agree with whomever posted the link. You can enjoy these or not, but it's a huge stretch to call people crazy for finding them disturbing and reminiscent of child porn.
Here is a link to one of the artists other works. I would love to hear an explanation of how this one is so very innocent.
whether you think its creepy or not is your own oppinion, and i really dont care. but its NOT KIDDIE PORN cuz there aint no kiddies!!
got it?
its paper... no actual children were actually hurt in the actual cutting out of these things. and you dont know what theyre meant to be unless youre the creator. sooo dont jump to concultions just because you were raised in a culture where people are quick to assume the worst in others and are always concerend that a sexual predator is lurking right around the corner. Go to any other country overseas, nudity is soooo not a taboo subject there.
Check the person's hand. It looks like a woman's hand, which makes the skirt-lifting one less creepy, i find. I think these are plain adorable, and a really neat idea :)
these things aren't porn but still creepy. Anime in general is just weird. If your over the age of lets say 16 and still like anime get a gun and please kill yourself or try to get laid...
Oh, won't you think of the children?! When you watch this god kills a kitten!
Please, grow up... Here's some more child porn I just did for you:
========================== \\\\\\ | | __ |@ " _________(__) | < (-)___________) \_/ (__) / \ ========================== "Before finding he was farsighted, little Timmy was the happiest kid in the block, since the day he found that huge candy in his mother's bedroom. It sure tasted sweet. Little did he know..." ==========================
I think these are cute~! I just think you have to have a big sense of humor to actually laugh at them. Of course, people are always trying to find a way to start some drama. Why not go for the child porn? I agree with David and Joshua. These are meant to be seen in a childish way. Like the last one, he's more "manly" looking than all the others (he's in chibi form, which means taking adults and putting them into a form where they look childish and funny, a parody of adults, I guess) ) Most of those in the link are adults in their respective anime.) Anyways, yeah, the last one is more manly and looks like a gang member or something. The reason why they are taking his pants off is a funny way of saying, "Hey, you aren't as badass as you think you are in this chibi form." The whole pulling the skirt up thing is another Japanese thing. Haven't you ever seen "Grease"? The guys would pull up skirts all the time-- in Japanese culture, they still do that because most Japanese girls wear school skirts. So, even though they look like children, they are most likely in their upper teens. Btw, icecream and lollipops, in Japanese culture, are used quite often to elaborate innocence or cuteness. ( ) Hopefully that clears things up. Japanese and western culture is very, very different and should be seen as such until completely proven incorrect.
I'm almost positive these are not even meant to be children. they are chibis, which children or not, always seem to resemble children. This is imaginative and cute. I can see where you are getting the "child porn" thought from, but really guys. This is only art and CHIBI art at that. It seems as though they are meant to be suggestive, but they are in a humorous way. Skirt lifting, although not acceptable has become a humorous joke in the anime community. And the last one, it looks as though he's being pantsed, not raped. really.
All of who are getting mad at the people accusing child porn, quit taking them seriously! For gods sake, they're just trying to get a reaction out of you. It's all fun, just like whoever said "This is just humorous fun. All of you who seem to think it's child porn need to wake up." The drawings are just for fun and the accusations of child porn are just for fun. Loosen up a little and take a joke.
Omg is it really that serious? Its paper drawings and its Chibis (a form of manga) so if you dont know what those things are then shut up, culture is different everywhere and in manga Chibis are always crying or overreacting
THE REST OF HIS "WORK" IS ALSO CHILD PORN FOR YOU IDIOTS WHO THINK THIS ISN'T (note the naked child w a ball gag in its mouth)
Please don't procreate because you'll probably molest your own children.
HAHAHA the best part of this page is that I enjoy reading the fighting comments more then the pictures. I love a good argument. Some of you are just extremely uneducated. For both sides. Hilarious.
I love these things-a lot of artists do them and some of them are quite cute.
The last one..and the skirt lifting one are my favs xD
I love these!
it looks like child porn
i agree with the child porn comment. i don't think these are "cute". i think it's kinda sick.
Woah this is some pedo shit here
I like the hentai ones more :>
I don't understand how this looks like porn at all...?!
Unless, you know, you don't really know what porn looks like...
I've seen this guy before, he does a LOT worse shit than this. Mostly guro.
They're called Paper Children and they're ALL over Deviantart.
They're chibis, so you guys can get your minds out of the gutter. :/
True it's not porn, but it's still disturbing. You guys who are scolding us are getting entertainment out of someone undressing kids whether they're real or not. Worse yet, these kids are made to look like they are being molested.
ganon, you're an idiot. Grow up.
Porn? Pedo? What the hell is wrong with you people? You seem to have very active (and disturbing) imaginations.
You probably also think the Coppertone Water Babies logo is porn too, huh? Bestiality, no less!
Well said Bastian!
Erm... #3 is certainly uncomfortably suggestive.
"It's cute! Get your mind out of the gutter!" Bull. It hasn't reached porn level but it certainly is suggestive. Coppertone logo is something completely different. Don't be dumb.
Definitely wouldn't call these "cute."
I agree with everyone who finds these borderline creepy and disturbing.
What is cute about pulling little kids clothes off while they are crying?
Ganon, you are not a idiot.
And anybody who thinks these are entertaining in some way, i suggest you get off your computer right now and go outside for a little bit. (and please, for everyone's sake, don't go near little kids.)
I didn't think about porn at all until I read these comments. Maybe you folks who are calling the page out have just got a little pedo lurking in the basement of your brain.
I don't know might be even more weird that you didn't see anything a little off about this.
You know, I doubt a pedophile thinks to himself, "i'm committing pedophilia" as he does it.
But that doesn't make the person who finds out about it a Pedo just for recognizing it for what it is.
You fucking animu freaks, it's just child porn.
yeah, i really don't see what's so cute and innocent about pulling clothes off of crying children.
For all the "porn" comments:
Have any of you ever actually had to get a child, for example, ready for bed or school when they didn't want to? Or had to make a child change because they insist of wearing their favourite pants they have grown out of or they've decided yesterday's underwear was O.K.? Let me tell you, screaming, crying and kicking often ensues.
If you are seeing "porn", you are the ones I have to wonder about.
Do you lift your daughter's skirt to get her ready for school? Just sayin.
wow i dont see how this is porn.
chill out they arent even really.
they are funny.
get over it.
the people who don't think this is porny/creepy obviously haven't seen the rest of the cutouts, ha.
ZOMKIFLSHMIP!!!!! get over yourselves, all you who are saying it's porn!! they are manga cutouts. they are meant as hhumerous, they ARE humerous. all those who say it's like porn are just oversensitive and overthinking the whole thing. its innocent fun with a little cheeky touch nothing more and since when did holding a paper cutout get classed as porn?
Trust me people. I've been around the internet and hentai block a few times, and there is definitely a sexual suggestiveness to some of these. The boy with the shirt half down down lapping on an ice cream definitely is. I don't think it's a big deal or anythin', considering they're just drawings. Just saying that people that are getting that vibe from this stuff definitely aren't crazy.
creepy....started kinda funny then, got to the point where the "character" is being undressed, without consent, whether real or not it is definitely disturbing on more than one level. Unrequited sexual actions being forced upon persons who are obviously under the age of consent. pretty icky indeed.
jajajajajajajajaj they are so cute , and great done , and for those saying its porn , just leave the page and see other webs, becausethis and other kinds of manga art always will make u think that its porn, and really its one style in the same style ^^ , i like them anyway
The first couple were cute... But I agree with the people who are saying they're suggestive and porn-like. The last three were disturbing and sick.
One comment said basically "He could be undressing his kids for bed or something." ...? I doubt that this man is visualizing himself as a kindly father who has been forced to strip his kids down so that he could put them in a tub or pajamas. If I could read Japanese, I'm sure that my level of having been disturbed would shoot through the roof.
@June 9, 2009 2:44 PM
That'll do you no good. The text is Korean not Japanese.
hey i wanna say somthing.
i think:
the first image, the one of the boy that is being pulled of the face. it`s not porn at all.
the second one it`s very similar to the firs one. whith this two, i agree what michael says "
Have any of you ever actually had to get a child, for example, ready for bed or school when they didn't want to? Or had to make a child change because they insist of wearing their favourite pants they have grown out of or they've decided yesterday's underwear was O.K.? Let me tell you, screaming, crying and kicking often ensues." it`s not child porn.
the third one, it`s child porn! come on! why it have the shirt like that? ok, maybe someone can say it`s summer, hot wether or somthing, but it`s very sujestive.
the forth one, it`s fun, i don`t thing it`s child porn.
the five, six and seven seem to be child porn, but i`m not sure because i don`t know what the paper figures are saying.
the combination of the third image with the rest of the images it`s kinf of confusing and, yeah, it looks like child porn
i think that if you take off the third image it will not look`s like child porn.
sorry about my english i talk and write spanish.
a, and the ice cream to, confusing.
i see both sides but wen i first saw this..i didnt think it was porn...maybe a little sense of humor was put into that area on a few of the pics..but its not enuff to say OH MY GOODNESS CHILD PORN..WHAT DID HE DO??? OMG WHY?!!
Not child porn, they are made of PAPER!
These are some of the most imaginative little things I have ever seen! Some might be a bit over the edge, but edgy gets noticed. Great Job!!
They're just meant to be funny, shesh. I think they're cute. ^^
yay child porn JK
awesome man i want to
make my own they're so
Please, people, this is just harmless fun. In fact, I saw no reason to think there was anything wrong with them until I read these comments.
This is Japanese inspired, from a culture who loves playing at being kids in their art in a usually harmless way. Just like all of us. To my mind, this is about using the manga style to recapture childish fooling around in a creative way and with a cheeky touch (as kids can be - or should be anyway!) - even that last one. It's a symptom of western culture to see this as something dark and dirty and yell porn and pedo - and it only reveals how little we generally know about either the manga style or child porn. That last image COULD maybe be interpreted in a darker way if you saw it by itself, but it becomes instantly explained by the rest and thus looses most of its dubious quality. We really have had our minds warped in the US to see this post as a whole as anything other than just silly. The irony is that so many of our own fashions are also playing at kids and recapturing that childish foolery. And yet i suppose we are just used to that, while the manga style is still something a bit alien to many.
The Japanese are so cool. They always come up with the coolest stuff.
That's a funny picture. will buyback your cell phones and other electronics.
For a buyback offer go to
1. the words are written in korean.
2. they're drawings, not real kids.
3. anime tends to seem childish.
4. shut the fuck up and enjoy creativity.
I swear Americans are incapable of looking at anything without analyzing for any possible elicit sexual content. It's the sick minds that scream "CHILD POOORRRNN" at everything that have me disturbed.
haha real child porn
Porn or not porn.... I didn't think they were funny. Cool technique though.
You people make me sick.
People see what they want to see . . .
Awesome images. Looks cool. Especially the image whose trying to climb on windows desktop seems funny.
Just look at the Google ads at the top of the page.
Not Japanese, Korean. Please don't merge all east Asian cultures into one.
This is all about perception.
When a person who is used to manga watches them (I am not one of them), he simply sees fun and neglects the "porn" or "abuse" element and looks at a situation that does not have a past or future.
But what are we supposed to when we look at a picture? Associate it with reality, right? Most people who are called "idiots" or "overly sensitive" here, does that, and find these "creative" pics to be unusual.
I am one of them.
Anime style crap sure is creepy.
I don't mind these, but only artistic faggot fuckheads can get away with doing shit like this.
If you think this is child porn, you are over analyzing it. Just beat one off and move on.
This is just humorous fun. All of you who seem to think it's child porn need to wake up.
Cool but what's the deal with all the sexual harassment
"You're taking a bath whether you want it or not young man!"
These are really creepy. To all the naysayers look at his other works:
lately, i've been really getting the vibe that there are some very sick people in the japanese art industry and anime/manga. seriously, its utterly disgusting
not to mention they had video games where the whole point was to simulate a rape too
and what is it with all the anime girls sounding like they're 8 years old and wearing schoolgirl outfits and skirts ALL the time
or their slutty as clothes
Everything depends on your perspective, including how you view these creative works.
You can create circumstances that would make all of these cute and innocent or sick and twisted.
The last one with the boy getting his pants pulled on could be cute and innocent if it was captioned with a previously mentioned quote of "You're taking a bath whether you want it or not young man!"
I'm sure I don't need to come up with a scenario where it'd be sick and twisted, seeing as how many of you had already decided it to be disturbing.
While the artist's OTHER works may be objectionable, there's nothing about these in and of themselves that would suggest any sexual connotation unless you choose to associate it with such.
You're free to dislike the cultural differences, but slander just makes you a bigot.
All of you with the "It's Child Porn!" mentality may want to do a little bit of a reality check, or see a shrink.
funny that the idea these are sick child porn didn't enter my mind until I read the comments.
Does looking at these make us all perverts or something? I think the people that are suggesting these are 'sick' really need to take a look at how _they_ are viewing them, I find that more disturbing.
Must See!!!
these pictures are creepy
Personally, i think they are very cute. and as for the ones that every one keeps seeming to say are porn:
1. Paper!
2. it seems more like School-kid antics. (you ever heard of kids getting their pants pulled off by classmates? it happens)
3. It's Manga... clothes have been known to mel off in anime/mangas. get over it!
and the second picture on tthe page looks like Hermione from Harry Potter lmao. i love it!!
this stuff is sick, those of you who think otherwise need to seek help.
there is nothing cute about looking up a little girl's skirt, or an exposed girl being fed icecream, or a boy wailing as his pants get pulled off...
sheesh, whatever happened to kittens and puppies being cute? society has now moved on to child abuse?
i don't think i even thought og child porn when i looked at it, until i read the comments. maybe i'm just sane and don't see what i want to. and the kid being fed ice-cream? my mum usd to feed me ice cream all the time when i was little, it's just a little parental.
i laughed at them,es pecially the cute witch looking one, and the girl with the flying skirt.
if you don't likke it, why did you look at it in the first place (cover your eyes! oh no! it's child porn!)
internet fail.
Wow my Grandmother must be a paedophile. She fed me icecream when I was wearing my dad's too big teeshirt at the beach, Pinched my cheeks and said "AWWWW I could just eat you up". Wrestled with me to take my pants off because they were muddy and because I needed a bath. Oh I remember she pulled my pants open to check to see if i was wearing underpants before we wne out.... and worse than that.....she even helped my to climb on the playgym....
I'm going to call the cops to come and get her right now. Bloody paedophiles are everywhere.... under my bed, in your head....
Oh and to the person who said look at the google ads.... if your are perverted it is a reflection of your preferences... mine was ads for how to create my own green energy.
Is it considered porn if i jerked off to it?
The skirt lifting and the one with the guys pants being pullled is def. child porn...very unsettling to say the least
now that i luk at the other ones they look like child abuse to me..
how the f*** are these things cute?
What the hell is going on here?!
Weird, very, very weird.
To be quite honest the last couple, the ones seen as 'child porn' to some of you is obviously chibi, the character does not look at all childish to me, the 3rd i agree is a teensy bit suggestive, and the one with the girl and skirt? Have any of you guys watched any kind of anime with any sorts of chibi (Its so common, as a comedic effect more than anything, nothing is exposed)? Jeez.
I agree with whomever posted the link. You can enjoy these or not, but it's a huge stretch to call people crazy for finding them disturbing and reminiscent of child porn.
Here is a link to one of the artists other works. I would love to hear an explanation of how this one is so very innocent.
*Warning disturbing images*
*fap fap fap*
okay people.. look...
whether you think its creepy or not is your own oppinion, and i really dont care. but its NOT KIDDIE PORN cuz there aint no kiddies!!
got it?
its paper... no actual children were actually hurt in the actual cutting out of these things. and you dont know what theyre meant to be unless youre the creator. sooo dont jump to concultions just because you were raised in a culture where people are quick to assume the worst in others and are always concerend that a sexual predator is lurking right around the corner. Go to any other country overseas, nudity is soooo not a taboo subject there.
Check the person's hand. It looks like a woman's hand, which makes the skirt-lifting one less creepy, i find. I think these are plain adorable, and a really neat idea :)
these things aren't porn but still creepy. Anime in general is just weird. If your over the age of lets say 16 and still like anime get a gun and please kill yourself or try to get laid...
Oh, won't you think of the children?! When you watch this god kills a kitten!
Please, grow up... Here's some more child porn I just did for you:
| | __
|@ " _________(__)
| < (-)___________)
\_/ (__)
/ \
"Before finding he was farsighted, little Timmy was the happiest kid in the block, since the day he found that huge candy in his mother's bedroom. It sure tasted sweet. Little did he know..."
Enjoy. LB
uh, they're fucking drawings...
get over it
child porn has children in it, these are paper, at the worst, its hentai, and lemme tell ya, it could be worse.
paper drawings do not equal child porn
Anime is retarded. Most people who enjoy it are a bunch of fat white kids who want to be Japanese.
I think these are cute~! I just think you have to have a big sense of humor to actually laugh at them. Of course, people are always trying to find a way to start some drama. Why not go for the child porn? I agree with David and Joshua. These are meant to be seen in a childish way. Like the last one, he's more "manly" looking than all the others (he's in chibi form, which means taking adults and putting them into a form where they look childish and funny, a parody of adults, I guess) ) Most of those in the link are adults in their respective anime.) Anyways, yeah, the last one is more manly and looks like a gang member or something. The reason why they are taking his pants off is a funny way of saying, "Hey, you aren't as badass as you think you are in this chibi form." The whole pulling the skirt up thing is another Japanese thing. Haven't you ever seen "Grease"? The guys would pull up skirts all the time-- in Japanese culture, they still do that because most Japanese girls wear school skirts. So, even though they look like children, they are most likely in their upper teens. Btw, icecream and lollipops, in Japanese culture, are used quite often to elaborate innocence or cuteness. ( ) Hopefully that clears things up. Japanese and western culture is very, very different and should be seen as such until completely proven incorrect.
I'm almost positive these are not even meant to be children. they are chibis, which children or not, always seem to resemble children. This is imaginative and cute. I can see where you are getting the "child porn" thought from, but really guys. This is only art and CHIBI art at that. It seems as though they are meant to be suggestive, but they are in a humorous way. Skirt lifting, although not acceptable has become a humorous joke in the anime community. And the last one, it looks as though he's being pantsed, not raped. really.
All of who are getting mad at the people accusing child porn, quit taking them seriously! For gods sake, they're just trying to get a reaction out of you. It's all fun, just like whoever said "This is just humorous fun. All of you who seem to think it's child porn need to wake up." The drawings are just for fun and the accusations of child porn are just for fun. Loosen up a little and take a joke.
Omg is it really that serious? Its paper drawings and its Chibis (a form of manga) so if you dont know what those things are then shut up, culture is different everywhere and in manga Chibis are always crying or overreacting
(note the naked child w a ball gag in its mouth)
Please don't procreate because you'll probably molest your own children.
HAHAHA the best part of this page is that I enjoy reading the fighting comments more then the pictures. I love a good argument. Some of you are just extremely uneducated. For both sides. Hilarious.
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